Monday, April 18, 2011

Kinect > Playstation Move


Figures from Sony are out! And let's see how they fare their PS Move against Microsoft's Kinect!

Sony's Figures:
8m Moves sold since September 2010
50m PS3s sold since November 2006
75m PSN users
2128 PS3 games
480m total game sales

And Kinect? Even for the figures released in March 2011, it has top 10 million units in sales! And has officially set the Guinness World Record on the fastest-selling consumer device. Can't deny it, Kinect is really interesting ( and, has a lot of fun uses other than for 360 ), while PS Move really looks like Nintendo Wii's ripoff ( Sorry Sony, but that's how I see it ).

But despite of Kinect's victory over Playstation Move. Sony's PS3's sales is still going quite strong, especially after the release of the PS3 Slim ( cheap PS3 ftw ). While 360's sales is still going steady and over PS3's sales for the time being, I'm quite sure that there's a good chance for the PS3 to emerge victorious in the battle. ( Yes, I'm rooting for PS3 ). The major part of it is that if we look at the game releases for 2011, 2011 is simply the year of PS3. It has the greatest number of unique-console exclusive games.

Which can be seen here :

Overall, Kinect > PS Move, hands down.
But for PS3 VS 360? Who knows?

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