Thursday, March 10, 2011

Starting on Programming

So you want to study programming? Good, now let's get you started! Beginners often find themselves in a predicament over what language to learn, which actually doesn't matter. What matters, is understanding data and control structures and design patterns. There are common elements found in a lot of programming languages, so it doesn't matter which language you learn, in the end, the logic behind the codes is what you'll learn.

All you need is actually learn how to program in one language. After that, if you want to try another language, it's pretty easy, just look at the language's documentation & syntax and you're set!

Now, programming is generally divided into 2. Desktop Programming and Web Programming.

The Desktop programming are ones such as visual basic, C++, C#, Java. As the name suggests, the end result is an application that stands alone, while web programming is usually opened from a browser.

Web programming are the ones opened using a browser, such as HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and XML.

Now you can pick which one do you want. For Desktop Programming, Visual Basic or Visual C# is usually a good one to start with since they're quite easy. And Microsoft already provided the tools to get you started

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