Sunday, March 13, 2011

Katamari Hack!

Katamari Hack! The winner of the 2011 Yahoo HackU contest at University of Washington, this hack allows you to summon a katamari ball on a web page, and move it around. This addicting hack simply turns any page into Katamari Damacy, as you can see on the picture above. This hack works best in Chrome.

How do you use it?

Simply copy paste the javascript below to your address bar, any page you have open at the moment will be ruled by the Katamari ball!

javascript:var i,s,ss=['',''];for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss[i];document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);

Source : KatHack

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