Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Have a Question?

Ask Aardvark!

Aardvark is basically a service to find someone to answer your question. If you send your question to Aardvark, it'll find the perfect person to answer, and you can get their response quickly.

According to the site, Aardvark is a new kind of tool that lets you tap into the knowledge and experience of friends and friends-of-friends.
Send Aardvark a question (from the web, IM, email, Twitter, or iPhone) and you’ll get a quick, helpful response from someone with the right knowledge and experience to help, Similar tastes, and Friends in common

You can ask about practically anything in aardvark, and you'll be able to get answers quickly!

You can also sync your Aardvark account with your facebook account. Syncing your accounts (via Facebook Connect) allows Aardvark to connect you with friends and friends-of-friends when you ask and answer questions.

But remember! Aardvark is not the right place to offer a service or ask for a favor.
Aardvark is meant for tips, advice, opinions, and recommendations that pull knowledge from a trusted network. Aardvark is not meant for sending messages that might leave another user feeling annoyed, offended, or solicited; people usually flag those messages as inappropriate.
Just remember: Your question is being sent to someone in your network — someone like you, who is happy to be helpful, but who doesn't want to be spammed or insulted.

You can even connect Aardvark to IM! Making it even easier to interact, answer questions, and ask questions. You can use either Google Talk, MSN, or Yahhoo Messenger account.

So what're you waiting for? Join Aardvark!

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