Yes folks! The PSN restoration has begun! You can now update your firmware, and change your password ( you must )! The restoration has started in a couple of regions. These services will take a bit of time to be turned on and rolled out to the whole country. The process has begun and some states are being turned on now. We’ll be updating the map below as service comes online in individual states. It will take several hours to restore PSN throughout the entire country.
Sony has released new firmware for the PS3 (version 3.61) that lets users update their PlayStation Network passwords.
In fact, you're required to update your PlayStation Network password with the arrival of firmware 3.61, a mandatory update, VP of Sony Network Entertainment Eric Lempel writes on the company's
If using a PS3, your password can only be changed on your own PS3 (or a PS3 on which your PSN account was activated), as an added layer of security. If you have never downloaded any content using your account on the system, an email will be sent to the registered sign-in ID (email address) associated with your account when you first attempt to sign-in to PSN. This e-mail will contain a link that will enable you to change your password. In this email, click on the link and follow the instructions to change your password. Once you have changed your password you can sign-in to your account using your new password.
Sony "strongly recommend[s]" that PS3 owners update now to "prepare for when PlayStation Network is back online."
Related to Sony as well, Sony Online Entertainment Restoration is also starting! The phased restoration will include the return of nearly all of SOE's portfolio of online games, the reinstatement of SOE's game forums and websites, and added functionality to require players to reset their passwords.
SOE made enhancements to overall data security as well, including updating and adding advanced security technologies, additional software monitoring, performing new penetration and vulnerability testing, and increased levels of encryption.
And here's the link for SOE's welcome back program! Welcome Back players!
Playstation Blog
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