Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Computer got a Virus! Quick Solution

So do you think your computer contracted a virus? Are there any obvious signs? Like abnormal messages popping, inability to run regedit, etc?

Well, the first and simplest thing you should do is run a virus scan. Some quite good free anti virus are :
  1. Clamwin
  2. AVG
  3. Avast
It's also recommended to run 2 antivirus at once, because there are some viruses that can't be detected by a particular antivirus. But with 2, there's a possibility that those that can't be detected by one will get detected by the other.Nothing detected? Check your task manager(CTRL+ALT+DEL). Find any suspicious program that you don't even know what it's for, and google it. If it's definitely a virus program, check the file location, end the program's process, and delete the file.The program file can't be deleted? Run HiJackThis, and delete the program that you're absolutely positive is a virus. (Not recommended to be used by users that's unsure of what they're doing)If there's still any anomaly, or still any file you can't delete. Restart your computer, and boot it up with Ubuntu Live CD. Don't worry, if you're booting from a CD, your windows is still there, it's just like "testing" an Operating System. The catch is, you can open your files from the Ubuntu. Delete the file/program you want to delete. (Windows virus does not work on Linux).

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